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Strategic PlanStrategic Plan<div class="ExternalClassAAD2E7321CAB4E02B5B80D3BE6C3E5DB"><p>​It is my pleasure to present an outline of Phoenix Public Library's 2019-23 Strategic Plan!</p><p>In 2018, a team of Phoenix Public Library staff began the process of constructing the latest version of Phoenix Public Library’s Strategic Plan. Over the course of a year, we gathered feedback from library staff, customers, and stakeholders including multiple customer and stakeholder surveys, customer focus groups, staff group exercises, and interviews and planning meetings with Library management.</p><p>In this next chapter - our Strategic Plan 2019-2023 - we hope to expand our strengths and guide our work for the next four years. Phoenix Public Library has something for everyone…providing a platform for people to come together as a community and build a collection of ideas. Access means opportunity, and by expanding upon the hands-on expertise and guidance in early literacy, STE/AM, entrepreneurial, college access, job access/career enhancement, and engaging family friendly programs and resources our customers have come to expect from us; we hope to be part of empowering all members of our community to change or improve their lives. We are committed to our identified four strategic directions: “Enrich and Entertain”, “Increase Access”, “Build a Stronger Community”, and “Work Smarter”, while also prioritizing traditional library services.</p><p>Thank you for your continued support and patronage of Phoenix Public Library. I invite you to continue to provide us feedback and suggestions related to our Strategic Plan through our “Ask Us” tool and submit a comment or suggestion. Phoenix Public Library looks forward to continuing to be a valuable asset you rely upon.</p><p>Rita Hamilton<br>City Librarian<br></p><h3>​Help us by providing feedback</h3><p><a href="/services/ask-us">I invite you to continue to provide us feedback and suggestions related to our Strategic Plan through our "Ask Us" tool​</a>. Phoenix Public Library looks forward to continuing to be a valuable asset on which you rely.​<br></p></div>





City Librarian Rita HamiltonCity Librarian Rita Hamilton



















Phoenix Public Library 2019-2023 Strategic Plan Public Library 2019-2023 Strategic PlanNew Window0x010100BAC29FC12BF93C4A8AFE04BFB4DF609B