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Nonprofit OrganizationNonprofit Organization<div class="ExternalClass8DDDC45E81CD4A159A460DDCFFB60107">​In the broadest terms, a nonprofit organization is a business organization that serves some public purpose and therefore enjoys special treatment under the law. Nonprofit corporations, contrary to their name, can make a profit but can't be designed primarily for profit-making.  Learn more about starting and funding a nonprofit.<br></div>































How do I start a nonprofit organization? do I start a nonprofit organization?51<div class="ExternalClassA81E64CD0C1E47BDA929849717B9DD5E">​How do I start a nonprofit organization?<br></div><div class="ExternalClass97852B1C50CC41CB9F6B7F72F22CB0EE"><p>Arizona State University's <a href="" target="_blank">Lodestar Center​</a> answers frequently asked questions about nonprofits, including:</p><ul><li>Why do I want to start a nonprofit organization rather than a for-profit organization?​<br></li><li>Are there other organizations in the community that do what it is I proposed to do? If so, can I become a program of one of them rather than start a new business?</li><li>What is a nonprofit organization? And...what a nonprofit organization is not.</li></ul><p>The Center also provides information on the <a href="" target="_blank">five-step process</a> to starting a nonprofit organization in Arizona, including registering with the Arizona Corporation Commission, obtaining an Employer Identification Number (the equivalent of your corporation's federal ID number), and more.</p>​<br></div>
How can I find out about current requests for proposals (RFPs)? can I find out about current requests for proposals (RFPs)?52<div class="ExternalClassFFE0A7C3EB9445029C6D3A0D3FD308B4">​How can I find out about current requests for proposals (RFPs)?<br></div><div class="ExternalClassA3EE5238E90B406F8680C57A519F8CB4"><div><a href="" target="_blank">Philanthropy News Digest​</a> posts RFPs submitted by grantmakers every day.  You can also subscribe to the RFP Bulletin, a free listing of new RFPs delivered weekly by email.​<br></div></div>
How do I identify potential funders for my nonprofit organization? do I identify potential funders for my nonprofit organization?54<div class="ExternalClass2B783035172D4C3DB531D54C9ED2782A">​How do I identify potential funders for my nonprofit organization?<br><br></div><div class="ExternalClassA63B9A5BA5DF41DBBD9D836B0A249B34"><p>Get started with a webinar from the Foundation Center on "Grantseeking Basics. The webinar provides an overview of the grant seeking process, including what you need to have in place before you seek a grant, what you need to know about grant-makers and how nonprofits are supported, how to identify funding partners, and resources for your grant-seeking efforts.</p><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Foundation Center</a> also offers an online tutorial about using their comprehensive online database, Foundation Directory Online Professional, available at Burton B​arr Central Library. Learn how to create customized searches to develop targeted lists of foundations that will match your organization's funding needs. </p><p>When researching potential funders, remember to consider the following: <br><br> </p><ul><li>Choose prospective funders by examining their descriptive profiles and recent giving histories.</li><li>Look for funders that have already supported projects similar to yours, those that award the type of support you seek, and/or those in your geographic area (or that fund projects in your geographic area).</li><li>Look for funders with which someone on your board of directors has an affiliation.</li><li>Review annual reports, IRS returns (IRS Form 990-PF), and printed guidelines to analyze funders' giving patterns and trends.</li></ul><p>The Library also provides several electronic resources to help you in your research. Visit our Money and Business page. Scroll down to the section headed "Nonprofits" to learn more about <a href="" target="_blank">Arizona Guide to Grants and Foundation Directory Online</a> (In Library Use Only). </p><p>Several print directories are available in the reference collection on the 5th floor of<a href="/Locations/BurtonBarr"> Burton Barr Central Library</a>, including <a title="Go to our catalog to learn more about this directory." href="" target="_blank">The Foundation Directory</a> and <a title="Go to our catalog to learn more about this directory." href="" target="_blank">National Directory of Corporate Giving​</a>.</p>​<br></div>
Where can I find more information? can I find more information?55<div class="ExternalClassAE960A3088F046558CC618F01B64381B"><p>​Where can I find more information?<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassB63D86B4C5E248E394E04702996F9A64">Visit these websites for ​more information about nonprofits and grantseeking. <a href="">Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits</a> is a statewide organization that serves, supports, protects and promotes the nonprofit sector in Arizona. <br><br><a href=""> ​</a>is a clearinghouse for federal grants, where federal agencies post discretionary funding opportunities and grantees find and apply for them. <br><br><a href="">GuideStar</a> gathers and disseminates information about IRS-registered nonprofit organizations, listing each nonprofit's mission, impact, reputation, finances, programs, governance and more.  The site also offers links to several informative blogs. <br><br><a href="">The Chronicle of Philanthropy​</a> website offers information on fundraising, managing nonprofits, jobs in the nonprofit community and more.​<br></div>