How do I enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace? | | How do I enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace? | 56 | <div class="ExternalClass4BD8F827671D46D9BB28A699C441EBA0"><p>How do I enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace?<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClassEF6B77387FCD43E89B36C2F307E80421">Created by the Affordable Care Act, the Health Insurance Marketplace or "Exchange" is a competitive marketplace for insurance companies.<br><br>It simplifies your search for health coverage by providing information on the options available in Arizona. You can compare plans based on price, benefits, quality and other features important to you.<br><br>It will also help you determine if you qualify for subsidies or state-run health insurance like Medicaid. <br></div> |
Am I eligible? | | Am I eligible? | 57 | <div class="ExternalClass88186AA992784BABAB373520130ED2E0"><p>Am I eligible?<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClassEFA7819DF11C479E9B85819EDCE2E7B5">To be eligible to enroll, you must:<br><br><ul><li>be a resident of the state, where you are applying for coverage;</li><li>be legally residing in the United States;</li><li>not be incarcerated.<br></li></ul></div> |
How to enroll? | | How to enroll? | 58 | <div class="ExternalClass8AAEA03BCD814C2C88BAAE26B340246C"><p>How to enroll?</p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass42F08BE4435B485F9D848290E9D25A76">Apply online - Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace.<br><br>Apply by mail or in person with the help of a Navigator or qualified helper. Visit to locate an organization near you to apply, enroll and get answers to your questions.<br><br>Apply by phone - Call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325). Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. <br></div> |
When can I enroll? | | When can I enroll? | 59 | <div class="ExternalClassAD873DA1D057419DA1252EE8C90C679E"><p></p>When can I enroll?</div> | <div class="ExternalClass44BC22E0C5214F4F8BFB315C8EC06B8F"><p>Enroll now through January 15, 2022.<br></p></div> |
How can I get insurance for my employees? | | How can I get insurance for my employees? | 60 | <div class="ExternalClassCF9F5BA4D8024705B71F5A938FB5350C"><p>How can I get insurance for my employees?<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass25D77E4F2D0F45B983F4522FF9C35786">The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is available for businesses with 50 or fewer employees.<br><br>For more information, visit the Health Insurance Marketplace for Small Businesses. <br></div> |
Got Questions? | | Got Questions? | 61 | <div class="ExternalClassC7D8AB8A0DC24F0385100B4CDCEB5C5F"><p>Got Questions?<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClassD527F1B52E4149E9842C1CEE5DE64D5A">Call 1-800-706-7893 (TTY: 711)<br><ul><li>Help is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (EST) </li><li>The SHOP Call Center is busiest from the 13th to the 15th of the month. For less wait time, please call earlier or later in the month.</li><li>Closed New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas.<br></li></ul></div> |