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Water SafetyWater Safety<div class="ExternalClass5A9080EECC1C45ACA7C890B6371D5386">​As desert dwellers, we appreciate water - the local pool or one of Arizona's many beautiful lakes.  But water can pose serious danger.  Learn more about keeping safe around water.<br></div>























American Red Cross Red CrossNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClass3766317E8B0B4D44812D2F7F9A2B363A">​The American Red Cross offers a wide variety of classes in first aid, CPR, AED, life guarding and swimming including self-study classes online.<br></div>
City of Phoenix Parks & Recreation of Phoenix Parks & RecreationNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClassB7D1C4131EB149E8AE66C2D06A307A75">​Each summer, the City of Phoenix Parks & Recreation Department offers a number of free programs for children of all ages that promote water safety as well as low-cost swimming classes for children at a variety of skill levels.  Registration usually begins in early May with classes beginning in early June. Cool off and have fun at a city pool or splash pad<br></div>
Consumer Product Safety Commission's Pool Safety Product Safety Commission's Pool SafetyNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClassC2EC2747B3C6449AA2037DF21C70EE95">​The Consumer Product Safety Commission's Pool Safely website offers pool and spa safety videos for adults and a Kids Corner with games featuring Splish & Splash. <br></div>
Phoenix Children's Hospital Children's HospitalNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClass1987CA882C1E46D3807A1B474AADF186">A wealth of information on water safety, including age-specific water safety brochures<br></div>
Phoenix Fire FireNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClass7AC05E78FFE4480A89616AC4F06ACBEA">​Phoenix Fire offers tips on pool, bathtub and bucket safety as well as water safety while on vacation.<br></div>
TripBuzz Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClass3ABAF9DB76894147B97708B3F93B7843"><p>​Check out TripBuzz's The Ultimate Swimming Safety Guide<br></p></div>
Water Safety Brochure Safety BrochureNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClassCC143F7D2F944CFC8FECCF34F82E4965">Phoenix Fire offers tips on pool, bathtub and bucket safety as well as water safety while on vacation.   You can also download their water safety brochure.</div>
​The Consume​r Product Safety Commission's Pool Safely en Espanol​The Consume​r Product Safety Commission's Pool Safely en EspanolNew Window0x0100B7E011FE46583C4E8C35CBD368DCEE8D0079739691E7ACA5418776612748C8B5B7<div class="ExternalClass7D4380A556F6442FAF7952BF57EEF344">​The Consumer Product Safety Commission's Pool Safely website offers pool and spa safety videos for adults and a Kids Corner with games featuring Splish & Splash. <br></div>



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