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VoicesVoices<div class="ExternalClass41590501C4104805905EC5EE9A73231E"> <h4>​Communities are comprised of a diversity of experiences and perspectives and the voices that emerge from those experiences and perspectives. We believe that these voices make for a richer, more meaningful experience for all. Join Phoenix Public Library in enjoying and learning f​rom the many voices of our community through monthly themes meant to educate, entertain and inspire.​<br></h4><p><br></p><h2>Celebrate Black Voices</h2><h4>Explore resources that capture the rich and diverse history and ongoing contributions of African-American people in our many communities.​​<br></h4><p><br></p><h2><img src="/images/Youth%20Services/Celebrate%20Black%20Voices/Kids_CBV-VAE25_web.jpg" alt="Overhead view of hands creating art with various art supplies spread around." style="margin:5px 10px;width:50px;height:50px;vertical-align:baseline;" />Check out the 2025 Celebrate Black Voices Virtual Art Exhibit!</h2><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US">In celebration of Black history and culture​​, K-12 artists from all over the Valley</span><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"> were</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> invited to draw an important person or event celebrating the African American experience. </span></p><h4><a href="/kids/art-exhibit" target="_blank"><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US">Browse</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> the beautiful show of talent of this year's submissions.</span></a><br></h4></div>





Honor and celebrate the contributions of Black Americans to the United States throughout history and now.Honor and celebrate the contributions of Black Americans to the United States throughout history and now.













Black History Month playlist on FreegalBlack History Month playlist on Freegal<i class="fas fa-music"></i><div class="ExternalClass97BC13FAA5FA480491B88E1022FEBA54"><p>​Tune into a diverse playlist that follows Black history in music.<br></p></div> Window
Black History Month for Kids on HooplaBlack History Month for Kids on Hoopla<i class="fa-duotone fa-tablet"></i><div class="ExternalClassDA78807B763E442696C8281B811288CF"><p>​Find a book the whole family can enjoy in honor of Black History Month.<br></p></div> Window
Black History Month on KanopyBlack History Month on Kanopy<i class="fa-duotone fa-film"></i><div class="ExternalClass1FB7727A78A74CE18A2CCA95C437B9B5"><p>​Sign in to watch.<br></p></div> Window
Black History Month: eAudiobooks on HooplaBlack History Month: eAudiobooks on Hoopla<i class="fas fa-headphones"></i><div class="ExternalClass8EA654B364F54F45ADB0EBC0E6ECB423"><p>​Listen to a book on a number of topics related to Black History Month.<br></p></div> Window
Celebrate Black Voices Virtual Art Exhibit Celebrate Black Voices Virtual Art Exhibit <i class="fas fa-palette"></i> out a gallery of art from K-12 artists honoring Black voices.<div class="ExternalClassFB027B16D7114A16809C4BBE36838D81"><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"><span data-ccp-parastyle="heading 2"></span></span></p><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"><span data-ccp-parastyle="heading 2"><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US">In celebration of Black history and culture, K-12 artists from all over the Valley</span><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"> were</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> invited to draw an important person or event celebrating the African American experience. Browse</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> the beautiful show of talent below.​</span></span></span></p><p>The gallery begins below and <a href="/kids/art-exhibit/art-exhibit-2">continues here​</a>. <br></p><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"><span data-ccp-parastyle="heading 2"><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"><br></span></span></span></p></div>
Freegal: Coming Home - A Black History Month PlaylistFreegal: Coming Home - A Black History Month Playlist<i class="fa-solid fa-music"></i><div class="ExternalClass93C66C4DD5BD487C8EED86A3EBE4AF65"><p>​Listen to Janelle Monáe, ​The Staple Singers, Raphael Saadiq, Sam Cooke and more. ​<br></p></div> Window
Freegal: The Tradition - A Black History Month PlaylistFreegal: The Tradition - A Black History Month Playlist<i class="fa-solid fa-music"></i><div class="ExternalClass595D68CCC6234E43A152903C3F26916A"><p>​Tune into The Isley Brothers, Jill Scott, ​​Maxwell, Luther Vandross, Beyoncé​, and more.<br></p></div> Window





2025 Vision Board Program2025 Vision Board Program 10:00:00 PM2/10/2025 11:00:00 PM<div class="ExternalClassCE3896CCEB6242D89B582F0BA146ED9C"><p><a href="/locations/ironwood">​Ironwood Library​</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD33D980102ED4258941DA608DCCFC8CA"><p>​What’s your vision for 2025? Come commemorate Black History Month by joining us to create vision boards celebrating diversity and inclusion. Whichever important figures, movements, or symbols speak to you, your voice is important! Come be inspired and part of the conversation!​<br></p></div>No464
Nutritious Snacks for TeensNutritious Snacks for Teens 10:00:00 PM2/12/2025 10:45:00 PM<div class="ExternalClass8B7717602A544E8FBD28CE90BFA6DFD5"><p><a href="/locations/ocotillo">​Ocotillo Library & Workforce Literacy Center</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass725A1F6B12A24C769CE3BB32688611EE"><p>​Join us to make your own snack and learn Black History! Starting in February the University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension's SNAP Education Program will be providing this 4-part series to learn how to create your own nutritious snacks and learn about influential Black people in the world of culinary arts!​<br></p></div>No459
Kawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance TheatreKawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance Theatre 6:00:00 PM2/14/2025 6:45:00 PM<div class="ExternalClassB60FFAC95D134621A8963641221A4A30"><p><a href="/locations/cesar-chavez">​Cesar Chavez Library​​</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass984DD7E0E26F4B38BDF369EE3802AD11"><p>​Kawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance Theatre presents and celebrates the music, dance, song and storytelling of African Peoples south of the Sahara and the diaspora, incorporating audience engagement and participation.​<br></p></div>No460
Kawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance TheatreKawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance Theatre 10:30:00 PM2/14/2025 11:15:00 PM<div class="ExternalClassBD2B1F2C74DB4BAFB1ED930F2E32C891"><p><a href="/locations/ironwood">​Ironwood Library</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassBB36AF2A51A341B5A8E8E1E85AE46D41"><p>​Kawambe-Omowale African Drum and Dance Theatre presents and celebrates the music, dance, song and storytelling of African Peoples south of the Sahara and the diaspora, incorporating audience engagement and participation.<br></p></div>No461
Vital Voices: Social Justice Through Things and StuffVital Voices: Social Justice Through Things and Stuff 5:00:00 PM2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM<div class="ExternalClassB569173A54C34409BF3A9799BD08AF08"><p><a href="/locations/burton-barr">​Burton Barr Central Library​​</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassC9ECF7150DC94F6A97360A446571E5AF"><p>​Vital Voices brings together individuals and communities to “talk, listen, and connect” through literature, language, and performance in important cultural spaces around the Valley. We encourage and utilize a range of creative expression, which demonstrates the necessity and vitality of multiple perspectives on and approaches to understanding our humanity.  Books are not the only way to understand and access Truth. Project Humanities Founding Director Dr. Neal Lester explains how and why artifacts are just as important tools of social justice as are books. In partnership with ASU Library's Black Collections, join us in this exciting interactive event, where attendees are invited to bring something that connects them with a social justice issue.</p><p>Registration is required.​<br></p></div>No462
I Am Nobody’s Slave: An Author Talk with Pulitzer Prize Finalist Lee HawkinsI Am Nobody’s Slave: An Author Talk with Pulitzer Prize Finalist Lee Hawkins 7:00:00 PM2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM<div class="ExternalClass34578DABF5CE44BBB4D2672AC68EFBF8"><p>​Online<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass7CD2D9E8B7354DC781A0C86948AF6076"><p>​We welcome you to our conversation with journalist and author Lee Hawkins as he talks to us about the examination of his family’s legacy of post-enslavement trauma and resilience in this riveting memoir, <em>I Am Nobody's Slave: How Uncovering My Family’s History Set Me Free</em>. ​<br></p></div>No458
LGBTQ Virtual Film Discussion: KikiLGBTQ Virtual Film Discussion: Kiki 7:00:00 PM2/20/2025 8:00:00 PM<div class="ExternalClass727318024B094EABBDA899100951B729"><p>​Online<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass55F4DC05699A43579BEFAE37B4F167ED"><p>​​Are movies your thing? Looking for a conversation about LGBTQ topics?</p><p>Join us for the LGBTQ monthly film discussion series! Each month we will discuss an LGBTQ film through the library's Kanopy collection. It's all about watching films, sharing stories, and having an honest conversation about the tough issues faced by the LGBTQ community.</p><p>This month we are watching:</p><p><strong>KIKI</strong></p><p>KANOPY LINK:​<br></p><p>25 years after "Paris Is Burning" introduced the art of voguing to the world, Kiki revisits New York City's thriving underground ballroom scene.  It's a larger-than-life world in which LGBTQ youths of color are empowered by staging elaborate dance competitions.  It's also a safe haven for struggling, at-risk teens who find acceptance within the Kiki community.  Going beyond the glamour of the balls highlights the serious challenges facing queer black and Latino youth.</p><p>Registration is required.<br></p></div>No465
Reader's TheaterReader's Theater 10:30:00 PM2/21/2025 11:30:00 PM<div class="ExternalClass65114F4C923047C69455D50E69409C28"><p><a href="/locations/ocotillo">​Ocotillo Library & Workforce Literacy Center​</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass89DC4CE3780B43D593B92C0C73094655"><p>​Join us for Black History Month celebration! Students from the Academies at South Mountain Performing Arts Department will be performing a short reader's theater.​<br></p></div>No463









Black History DocumentariesBlack History Documentaries<iframe style="text-align:center;" src="" width="758px" frameborder="0" height="350px"></iframe>
Black History on FilmBlack History on Film<iframe style="text-align:center;" src="" width="758px" frameborder="0" height="350px"></iframe>
Black History YA ReadsBlack History YA Reads<iframe style="text-align:center;" src="" width="758px" frameborder="0" height="350px"></iframe>
Must-Read Black AuthorsMust-Read Black Authors<iframe style="text-align:center;" src="" width="758px" frameborder="0" height="350px"></iframe>
Black History and CultureBlack History and Culture<iframe style="text-align:center;" src="" width="758px" frameborder="0" height="350px"></iframe>