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Learning & ResearchLearning & Research<div class="ExternalClassA619356F6802489A9B30716A5AA8805D"><h4>Take a class online or research a pet project.  We'll help you learn something new today!</h4><h4>Access hundreds of electronic resources or explore our <a href="/browse/elibrary/elearning" style="font-size:1em;">eLearning resources​</a><span style="font-size:1em;"> today for FREE with the use of your Phoenix Public Library card.  </span><br></h4><h4> Not sure where to start?  Begin browsing below.<br></h4></div>







AncestryAncestry<i class="fad fa-leaf"></i><div class="ExternalClassB9198C9C42CE44058D053DB9368388F3"><h2>Genealogical Research Tips</h2><p>There are two ways to start your research at Phoenix Public Library.  There are books you can check out that include basic tips about how to do genealogy research.  In addition, there are some basic genealogy reference materials in the General Reference section of Burton Barr Central Library.</p><h2>​Arizona Birth and Death Certificates</h2><p>The certificate images provided are limited to Arizona: <br></p><ul><li>BIRTHS that occurred at least 75 years ago</li><li>DEATHS that occurred at least 50 years ago  </li></ul><h2>Obituaries<br></h2><p>Phoenix Public Library can provide general information about finding obituaries.  The Library does not search for or photocopy obituaries. An obituary is published at the discretion of an individual's family, often within two weeks of death. If you need more information about using the resources listed below, Ask Us.<br></p><h3>Obtaining a copy of an obituary<br></h3><h4>Maricopa County residents:<br></h4><ul><li>​If you have a valid library card with Phoenix Public Library you can search the Arizona Republic or Gale OneFile News.</li><li>Burton Barr Central Library offers access to microfilm of the following newspapers: the Arizona Republic (1930-present); its predecessor, the Arizona Republican (1890-1930); and the Phoenix Gazette (late 1800s-1997).​​​​​</li><li>The Arizona Republic provides a free online obituary database (2002-present).<br></li></ul><h4>Arizona residents outside of Maricopa County and out-of-state residents:</h4><ul><li>​​Your local library's interlibrary loan department can borrow Arizona Republic microfilm from the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records at no charge. Call 602-926-3870, 1-800-228-4710 or visit their website.</li><li>The Arizona Republic provides a free online obituary database (2002-present).​​<br></li></ul><h4>Fee-based obituary search:</h4><ul><li>Ar​izona State Library, Archives and Public Records will search two weeks from the date of death for a fee. Call 602-926-3720.<br></li></ul><h3>Locating the Date of an Obituary</h3><h4>Maricopa County residents: <br></h4><ul><li>You can verify a date using the Arizona Biography and Obituary Index (1860-1986) and microfiche of the 1862-1997 Arizona Newspaper Obituary Index available at Burton Barr Central Library.  This is not available by phone or email.<br></li></ul><h4>Arizona residents and out-of-state residents: <br></h4><ul><li>​​Verify a date using the Social Security Death Index at Family Search.</li><li>Verify a date using the Arizona Genealogy Death Certificate search (1870-1963) at Arizona Department of Health Services.</li></ul></div>ancestry
Health & WellnessHealth & Wellness<i class="fad fa-spa"></i> Public Library offers a wealth of health and wellness resources to help you achieve your health goals.<div class="ExternalClass07CD2E910B7049C9B042269B92EB4EB5">​Phoenix Public Library offers a wealth of health and wellness resources to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you want to research a specific condition or are interested in improving your health and wellness overall, the Library has a resource that is right for you, including:<ul><li>workshops</li><li>online classes</li><li>online videos</li><li>book and music lists</li><li>articles, encyclopedias, pamphlets and more</li></ul>Every Phoenix Public Library location has staff to help you access these health and wellness resources.  You can access many of these resources from any computer with the use of a Phoenix Public Library card.<br></div>health-wellness
Money & BusinessMoney & Business<i class="fal fa-money-bill-wave"></i>​Looking to start a business or a non-profit? We've got resources to help you.<div class="ExternalClassAD98E79A7B454BDE9C24AF3F868898A1"><p>​Looking to start a business or a non-profit?  We've got resources to help you.<br></p></div>money-business
The NewsThe News<i class="fad fa-newspaper"></i> the scoop on all the local, national, and international news.<div class="ExternalClassC1229395C0A64B8CAE958B4450EED2F3"><p>​​Searching for a specific magazine or newspaper?</p><p>Search for the title in the library catalog.</p><p>To view the resource electronically, click on the "View Item" link in the results list or in the item record.</p><p>To obtain a print copy, visit one of the Library locations listed in the record for the print resource.<br></p><p>​​Need to learn more about a topic for school, work or a personal project? Visit learning & research.<br></p></div>the-news
Readers HQReaders HQ<i class="fad fa-book-reader"></i> to help readers of all ages.readers-hq
RepairsRepairs<i class="fad fa-tools"></i> manuals and guides on how to do auto and small appliance repairs.repairs
Student HQStudent HQ<i class="fad fa-user-graduate"></i>​​Looking for information on preparing for the ACT or the SAT? Check out our guide to doing it online.<div class="ExternalClassF40EC50F25914757B9D41B306382492D">​​Phoenix Public Library offers a collection of databases and online learning platforms that cover the subjects of history, language learning, social studies, science and more. Looking for information on preparing for the ACT or the SAT? Check out our guide to doing it online.<br></div>student-hq
eResources A to ZeResources A to Z<i class="fad fa-sort-alpha-down"></i> all eResources available to you with your Phoenix Public Library card.<div class="ExternalClass4C3B834D64334AA7AB62D2A5FCEBBF3F"><p>Phoenix Public Library works with various vendors to provide access to the following resources. Access is made available through your library account, but some resources may also require you to create an additional account with them in order to access their services. Prior to any account creation, please make sure to read the resources’ terms and conditions.<br></p></div>a-to-z
Federal Government ResourcesFederal Government Resources<i class="fa-solid fa-flag-usa"></i> one stop for free government resources. <div class="ExternalClass8ECF9B0E58244350A675733B60AB6B1F"><h2>​Your one stop for free government resources. <br></h2><h2>​Need more help? <a href="/services/ask-us">Please Ask Us​</a>.​</h2><p><br></p></div>federal-government-resources













eLearningeLearning<i class="fad fa-chalkboard"></i><div class="ExternalClass32A5C46C8772411A8A96DEAB440DCC55"><p>​Learn on your own time and at your own pace with our online classes. Or, prepare for a test with in the following areas and more: civil service, firefighting, nursing, U.S. citizenship, high school skills improvement, GED, SAT, college entrance exams and graduate school exams.</p><br></div>