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AboutAbout<div class="ExternalClass22D6792A8EED4A5C81A55AD1F912E0F3"><div><div><div webpartid="de1b5630-af52-4fdc-b7b5-0511b42b03c7"><div>​PHXWorks is designed to help job seekers in our community who are seeking new employment or to enter the workforce by offering assistance with:<br></div><div></div></div></div><div></div></div><div><div><div webpartid="dbfa2584-4e70-41da-8480-72dfb86a1e68"><div><ul><li>recommendations after a layoff & filing for unemployment benefits</li><li>resume & cover letter preparation</li><li>interview preparation</li><li>finding local resources for help with the job seeking process</li></ul>Customers can use this site and many of the resources without a library card. Others require a library card if they are accessed from outside Phoenix Public Libraries.<br></div></div></div></div><br></div>