Propose a Program | Propose a Program | <div class="ExternalClassF64F0FF1C93B47F9A46AA0EAB4E31633"><h2>Program priorities</h2><p>The Phoenix Public Library's mission is focused on what we can do for and with people in our communities. We are a cornerstone that supports early literacy, education, entrepreneurship, empowerment, and engagement.</p><p>Library programs are free and open to the public and are intended to promote and enhance the collections, services and mission of the Phoenix Public Library. Library programs are developed and presented for all ages and audiences and include such activities as book discussions, author talks, lectures, film screenings, workshops, poetry readings, and musical performances.</p><p>Program proposals from the public, which complement the library's collections, services, and goals are selected by the Adult Programming Committee according to the needs and interests of the community; the suitability of each library's physical space; the program's contribution to the library's overall schedule of events; and the availability of Library staff to assist with the presentation of the program at the library venue. Programs must comply with the library meeting room policies, which mandate the program be open to the public, free of charge and prohibit commercial advertising or direct solicitation. Individuals and organizations interested in partnering with the library on adult programs are invited to submit a proposal according to the guidelines set forth below.</p><h2>Scheduling timeline</h2><p>Planning and publicity for library programs is done 2 - 4 months prior to the program date.</p><h2>Program publicity</h2><p>Programs may appear on the library's website, news releases and branch flyers, and in the library's newsletter, e-mail alert and media advisory. If you have any online information about your program, such as a website, please provide the URL in the form's comments field.</p><h2>Payment policy</h2><p>Phoenix values its relationships with its vendors. To become a vendor with the city, you must complete the vendor self-registration process. It takes the city about two business days to approve the registration. Part of the registration process is determining your taxing jurisdiction, your eligibility for small business programs, and verifying your submittal of a signed W9 form from the IRS. Phoenix Public Library's terms of payment are net 45 days from the completion date of the program. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more about registering with the City of Phoenix</a>.</p><p>If you are interested in presenting a program that you feel is in line with our mission, please see the information below.</p><h2>Program content</h2><p>The library expects that performers and musicians will obtain any necessary copyright permission and/or license for any non-original works used for any library program. This includes works performed live and/or use of recorded music in library programs.</p><h2>Communicating with library staff contacts</h2><p>Your Library staff contact will call you a few days before the program to confirm that you are coming, that you know how to get to the location, what time you are expected to arrive, who you should ask for, that you're aware of any logistical details specific to your location and this program, etc. If you need to talk to your library staff contact, refer to your program agreement. The name and telephone number are listed.</p><h2>Guidelines for author visits</h2><p>Are you an author interested in presenting on your materials?</p><p>The library is committed to providing programs relating to various forms of media and creators to our public. In providing these programs, the library requires that the media be appropriate for and available to add to the library collection. <a href="" target="_blank">Please check the library catalog</a> to see if your item is already in the library collection. If it is not, please <a href="" target="_blank">submit a purchase suggestion on the Library's website</a>.</p><p>All items considered for addition to the collection will be considered based on the library's Materials Selection Policy.</p><p>In order for the library to purchase an item, it must be available for sale through a contracted city vendor.</p><p class="h3">I have read the above guidelines and am ready to submit a proposal.</p><br></div> |