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Celebrate Black Voices Virtual Art Exhibit 5Celebrate Black Voices Virtual Art Exhibit 5<div class="ExternalClassF03493D1C37D47DAB353493B96697DD2"><p>​<span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US">In celebration of Black History, K-12 artists from all over the Valley</span><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US"> were</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> invited to draw an important person or event celebrating the African American experience. Browse</span><span data-contrast="auto" lang="EN-US"> the beautiful show of talent below.​</span></p><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US">This year's collection includes artwork by students from Park Meadows Elementary School, whose work pays a special homage to the painter Reginald Laurent.​</span></p><p><br></p></div>