AJ, 4th grade | AJ, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_AJ-4_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 252 |
Adamaris, 4th grade | Adamaris, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Adamaris-4_JackieRobinson_web.jpg | | Jackie Robinson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 249 |
Addison, 3rd grade | Addison, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Addison-3_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 181 |
Addy, 6th grade | Addy, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Addy-6_CondoleezzaRice_web.jpg | | Condoleezza Rice in the style of Reginald Laurent | 235 |
Adilynn, 4th grade | Adilynn, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Adilynn-4_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 250 |
Adrian, 2nd grade | Adrian, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Adrian-2_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 251 |
Adrian, 4th grade | Adrian, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Adrian-4_MichaelJordan_web.jpg | | Michael Jordan in the style of Reginald Laurent | 182 |
Aili, 5th grade | Aili, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Aili-5_Tupac_web.jpg | | Tupac Shakur in the style of Reginald | 183 |
Alaina, 2nd grade | Alaina, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Alaina-2_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 253 |
Alex, 3rd grade | Alex, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Alex-3_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 254 |
Alexandria, 2nd grade | Alexandria, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Alexandria-2_MayaAngelou_web.jpg | | Maya Angelou in the style of Reginald Laurent | 255 |
Aliza, 4th grade | Aliza, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Aliza-4_CondoleezzaRice_web.jpg | | Condoleezza Rice in the style of Reginald Laurent | 256 |
Amare, 4th grade | Amare, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Amare-4_AltheaGibson_web.jpg | | Althea Gibson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 257 |
Amy, 5th grade | Amy, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Amy-5_FrederickDouglass_web.jpg | | Frederick Douglass in the style of Reginald Laurent | 184 |
Arianna, 5th grade | Arianna, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Arianna-5_RosaParks_web.jpg | | Rosa Parks | 335 |
Aron, 5th grade | Aron, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Aron-5_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 185 |
Ava, 3rd grade | Ava, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Ava-3_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 186 |
Avery, 5th grade | Avery, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Avery-5_Tupac_web.jpg | | Tupac Shakur in the style of Reginald Laurent | 187 |
Bailey, 5th grade | Bailey, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Bailey-5_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 188 |
Belen, 6th grade | Belen, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Belen-6_TupacShakur_web.jpg | | Tupac Shakur in the style of Reginald Laurent | 260 |
Blake, 5th grade | Blake, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Blake-5_JackieRobinson_web.jpg | | Jackie Robinson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 189 |
Brialynn, 6th grade | Brialynn, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Brialynn-6_HarrietTubman_web.jpg | | Harriet Tubman in the style of Reginald Laurent | 336 |
Burke, 3rd grade | Burke, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Burke-3_SmokeyRobinson_web.jpg | | Smokey Robinson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 190 |
Caitlin, 4th grade | Caitlin, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Caitlin-4_Segregation_web.jpg | | Segregation | 246 |
Caleb, 3rd grade | Caleb, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Caleb-3_AltheaGibson_web.jpg | | Althea Gibson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 261 |
Calel, 5th grade | Calel, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Calel-5_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 262 |
Callie, 2nd grade | Callie, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Callie-2_RosaParks_web.jpg | | Rosa Parks | 263 |
Cash, 5th grade | Cash, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Cash-5_web.jpg | | | 191 |
Charles, 3rd grade | Charles, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Charles-3_MaryJackson_web.jpg | | Mary Jackson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 192 |
Chloe, 4th grade | Chloe, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Chloe-4_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 337 |
Christian, 3rd grade | Christian, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Christian-3_web.jpg | | | 193 |
Christian, 6th grade | Christian, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Christian-6_RosaParks_web.jpg | | Rosa Parks in the style of Reginald Laurent | 264 |
Cillian, 2nd grade | Cillian, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Cillian-2_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 265 |
Claire, 6th grade | Claire, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Claire-6_TupacShakur_web.jpg | | Tupac Shakur in the style of Reginald Laurent | 236 |
Colby, 6th grade | Colby, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Colby-6_MosesFleetwoodWalker_web.jpg | | Moses Fleetwood Walker in the style of Reginald Laurent | 237 |
Cole, 4th grade | Cole, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Cole-4_JesseOwens_web.jpg | | Jesse Owens in the style of Reginald Laurent | 266 |
Collin, 5th grade | Collin, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Collin-5_MichaelJordan_web.jpg | | Michael Jordan in the style of Reginald Laurent | 194 |
Colten, 6th grade | Colten, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Colten-6_JackieRobinson_web.jpg | | Jackie Robinson in the style of Reginald Laurent | 338 |
Damien, 6th grade | Damien, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Damien-6_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 339 |
Dannia, 6th grader | Dannia, 6th grader | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Dannia-6_JaneBolin_web.jpg | | Jane Bolin in the style of Reginald Laurent | 267 |
Dasha, 6th grade | Dasha, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Dasha-6_MaeJemison_web.jpg | | Mae Jemison in the style of Reginald Laurent | 268 |
Dayana, 4th grade | Dayana, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Dayana-4_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. in the style of Reginald Laurent | 195 |
Delilah, 2nd grade | Delilah, 2nd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Delilah-2_RosaParks_web.jpg | | Rosa Parks in the style of Reginald Laurent | 269 |
Derrell, 3rd grade | Derrell, 3rd grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Derrell-3_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 196 |
Diego, 6th grade | Diego, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Diego-6_MLKJr_web.jpg | | Martin Luther King, Jr. | 270 |
Donivan, 6th grade | Donivan, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Donivan-6_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 197 |
Dureen, 6th grade | Dureen, 6th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Dureen-6_MuhammadAli_web.jpg | | Muhammad Ali in the style of Reginald Laurent | 271 |
Eddie, 5th grade | Eddie, 5th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Eddie-5_web.jpg | | | 198 |
Eleanor, 4th grade | Eleanor, 4th grade | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/GalleryImages/CBV-VAE_Eleanor-4_BarackObama_web.jpg | | Barack Obama in the style of Reginald Laurent | 199 |