Help with Your Account | Help with Your Account | <i class="fa-solid fa-square-question"></i> | | Ask us a question about your library fees, renewing materials, placing a hold, or your password. Contáctenos para obtener ayuda con sus honorarios, la renovación de materiales, mis retenciones, o su contraseña. | <div class="ExternalClass8292D06AD04A4BC284B596AEB835AA87"><p></p><p><strong>Ask us a question about</strong> your library fees, renewing materials, placing a hold, or your password.</p><p><strong>Contáctenos para obtener ayuda con</strong> sus honorarios, la renovación de materiales, mis retenciones, o su contraseña.<br></p></div> | circulation | |
Help with eBooks and Other eMedia | Help with eBooks and Other eMedia | <i class="fa-solid fa-square-question"></i> | | We will respond to your eBooks or other eMedia question as soon as possible. | <div class="ExternalClassC5469409151149A189CB85248C597A87"><p>We will respond to your question as soon as possible. We strive to answer questions within 48 hours, excluding weekends. Responses are sent via email; please include a valid email address to ensure a reply.<br><br></p></div> | emedia | |
Questions and Comments | Questions and Comments | <i class="fa-solid fa-square-question"></i> | | Ask us via email. Contáctenos con preguntas o comentario generales. | <div class="ExternalClassE78AD7F24ACB4285AC298AAEA29117E2"><p>Ask us via email. Contáctenos con preguntas o comentario generales.</p><p>We strive to answer questions within 48 hours, excluding weekends. Responses are sent via email; please include a valid email address to ensure a reply.<br><br></p></div> | email | |
Request A Research Appointment | Request A Research Appointment | <i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-days"></i> | | Interested in visiting the Rare Book Room or the Arizona Room? | <div class="ExternalClassB29DA24BAC9A442C9C9D9A3E46A20F3D"><h4>Interested in visiting the Rare Book Room or the Arizona Room?</h4><p>Make a research appointment below.<br></p></div> | request-an-appointment | |
Request a Library Visit | Request a Library Visit | <i class="fa-solid fa-book-open-reader"></i> | | Request a visit from Phoenix Public Library! Interested in a classroom or event visit from Phoenix Public Library outreach staff or in having Phoenix Public Library's Bookmobile come out to your location? | <div class="ExternalClass2BCBF89454C24F33B33CC2E9018B8F2F"><h4>Request a visit from Phoenix Public Library!<br></h4><p>Interested
in a classroom or event visit from Phoenix Public Library outreach staff or
in having Phoenix Public Library's Bookmobile come out to your location?
Make your request below.<br></p></div> | request-a-library-visit | |
Request an ADA Accommodation | Request an ADA Accommodation | <i class="fa-solid fa-tty"></i> | | Do you require an accommodation? | <div class="ExternalClassEF56A268304C46D18056012DB8336704"><p>Do you require an ADA accommodation to participate in a Phoenix Public Library program, service, or activity? <br><br></p></div> | accommodations | |
StartUpPHX | StartUpPHX | <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-building"></i> | | Ask Us a question about StartUpPHX | <div class="ExternalClassEA1B2954D4DF48A396C5D3AF20B7BE8E"><p><span data-contrast="none" lang="EN-US">The mission of <a href="/startupphx">StartUpPHX</a> is to provide services and support for entrepreneurs. </span><br></p></div> | startupphx | |
Suggest a Purchase | Suggest a Purchase | <i class="fa-solid fa-cart-shopping"></i> | | | <div class="ExternalClassF713ECB9F609493E8A99A055C1089841"><p style="color:#333333;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Library staff will usually respond to your request within two to three business days (Monday-Friday). However, during very busy times, response times may take longer (up to ten business days). Library staff will not consider requests for which we do not receive a <strong>valid Phoenix Library card number with a valid email address matching the cardholder’s information</strong>. <br></p><p style="color:#333333;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">When recommending a title for our collection, please help us meet <strong>the needs of all customers</strong> by entering <strong>one title per form</strong>. We are able to respond to up to five requests per month per library <strong>account and matching email address</strong>. <br></p><p style="color:#333333;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"><span lang="es">El personal de la biblioteca generalmente responderá a su solicitud en un plazo de dos a tres días (de lunes a viernes). Sin embargo, en momentos de mucha actividad, los tiempos de respuesta pueden ser más largos (hasta diez días). El personal de la biblioteca no considerará solicitudes para las cuales no recibamos <strong>un número de tarjeta de Phoenix Public Library válido con una dirección de correo electrónico válida que coincida con la información de la cuenta de biblioteca</strong>. </span></p><p style="color:#333333;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Cuando recomiende un título para nuestra colección, ayúdenos a satisfacer <strong>las necesidades de todos los clientes</strong> ingresando <strong>un título por formulario</strong>. Podemos responder hasta cinco solicitudes cada mes por <strong>cuenta de biblioteca y dirección de correo electrónico coincidente.</strong></p><p><br></p></div> | suggest-a-purchase | |