Computer & Internet Use Agreement | Computer & Internet Use Agreement | | | | <div class="ExternalClassEA9F83B84FFF4DBF883AE76F905066DE"><p>I agree to use Phoenix Public Library computers in a responsible manner and to follow all rules concerning limited computer time. I will not use the Internet for any purpose prohibited by federal, state or local laws or regulations. I will not misrepresent myself by any means and will use only the library card authorized for my use. I will not alter hardware or software, nor make copies of copyrighted or licensed material or data unless such use is authorized.</p><p>I understand that the Library is compliant with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and uses filtering software to screen out sites which may provide access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors. I will not send, receive or display visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors.</p><p>I agree to use appropriate discretion when viewing materials and will refrain from displaying materials on a terminal when so requested by Library staff. The Library's policy, "Maintaining a Safe and Appropriate Library Environment," details customer standards of conduct and procedures related to the violation of these standards. Customers may request a copy of this policy from Library staff.</p><p>I understand that failure to comply with this agreement may result in the loss of Library privileges, up to and including permanent trespass from all Phoenix Public Library facilities. The Library has no control over information obtained through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content or accuracy.</p><p>The Library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, for the use of the Internet including, but not limited to, damage to the customer's computer equipment.</p><p>I accept these terms of use.<br></p></div> | computer-internet-use-agreement | |
Computer Access & Print Pricing | Computer Access & Print Pricing | | | | <div class="ExternalClass77E3543DD212416CA574E7D4A5E727F8"><h2>Computer Access</h2><p>Each Phoenix Public Library location offers several computer workstations for use at no cost to library card holders. Public access computers may be reserved by users with a valid (non-expired) library card with a password. These computers offer Internet access, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and have USB ports for accessing and saving documents to flash drives. Fee-based printing, copying and scanning services are also available. Library customers may use a reserved PC for up to 1 hour per day at any Library location. Time may be extended if no one is waiting. Computers in the children and teen areas of the library are for use by children and teens only.</p><h3>Express Computers<br></h3><p>Library card holders may also reserve express computers which are available on a first come, first served basis in 15-minute increments. Express computers allow multiple sessions per day but must be surrendered at the end of a 15-minute session when others are waiting.</p><h3>Catalog Computers</h3><p>Every library also has catalog computers that provide access to the library's online catalog, subscription databases and event calendar. Catalog computers do not have general Internet access and are available to all customers (a library card is not required).</p><h3>Visitors to the Library</h3><p>Any resident of Maricopa County is eligible to get a free Phoenix Public Library card. Visitors who live outside of Maricopa County should speak to a staff member if they need to access computers while visiting.</p><p>Printing Services</p><p>The Library offers both black-and-white or color printing and photocopying. Charges are as follows:</p><ul><li>Black-and-white - 20 cents per page (10 cents per page at South Mountain Community Library)</li><li>Color - 40 cents per page (50 cents per page at South Mountain Community Library)</li></ul><p>Print or copy jobs may be paid for with cash only and may be paid with one-dollar and five-dollar bills as well as coins. Prices vary due to contractual agreements with the leasing agencies involved.</p><p>Library staff will assist you with printing or copying.<br></p></div> | computer-access-print-pricing | |
Hotspot Lending Program | Hotspot Lending Program | <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i> | | WiFi Hotspots are available for check out at Phoenix Public Library. | <div class="ExternalClassEC79FDF6472D4557BC89231971126052"><p>WiFi Hotspots are available for check out.<br></p><p>Wifi Hotspots are eligible to be placed on hold for any <a href="/locations" target="_blank">Phoenix Public Library location</a>. <br></p><p><span lang="EN-US">Phoenix Public Library will notify the Library Account holder when the hold is available for pickup at the selected location based on their notification settings. Held items must be checked out by the date listed or the item will be made available to the next requester. Holds may only be checked out to the Library Account used to place the hold unless the account holder has chosen to associate their account with that of another account holder, excluding WiFi Hotspots.</span> <span lang="EN-US">For WiFi Hotspots, a maximum of five (5) devices can connect to the Hotspot at one time.</span> </p><p><span lang="EN-US">Devices and applicable charging cord(s) must be returned to the service desk at the location of original check out and directly to a library employee only during library hours of operation.</span> <br></p><p>Learn more about checking out a hotspot:</p><h3>Requirements</h3><ul><li>Borrowers must have a valid Phoenix Public Library account, and either a current government issued photo identification or proof of their current address must be presented at time of checkout.</li><li>The Phoenix Public Library account holder must be in good standing, including current address and contact information, fees not exceeding $25, and not in collections.</li><li>The Library account holder must be 18 years of age or older to checkout a hotspot on their card.</li><li>The Phoenix Public Library account holder must read, understand, and sign this agreement (with link to the waiver) at the time of each hotspot check out.</li><li>Hotspots cannot be renewed.<br></li><li>Hotspots are available for checkout only at the walk-up service desk.</li><li>Hotspots may only be checked out for three weeks at a time.</li><li>Maximum of 5 devices can connect to the hotspot at one time.</li><li>Hotspot and charging cord must be returned to the same location from where it was checked out.</li><li>Hotspots should not be returned in the book drop for any reason. Borrowers will be billed for resulting damage to the hotspot and charging cord and may be denied future hotspot checkout.</li><li>Customers will continue to receive overdue notices, if applicable. If the hotspot is not returned on the 36th day of being overdue. The customer will be charged for the device and any peripherals.</li><li>Hotspots will be disabled after the due date.</li></ul><h3>Replacement Fees</h3><p>The borrower is responsible for costs associated with damage, loss, or non-return of the hotspot and charging cord. The borrower will be billed for the replacement fee of the hotspot or charging cord. Accounts billed for a hotspot that have not been returned may be submitted for collections and the account charged an additional $15.00 non-negotiable collection fee.</p><p>Hotspot : $90<br>Hotspot Charger: $20 <br></p><p><br></p></div> | hotspot-lending-program | |
Mobile Printing | Mobile Printing | <i class="fad fa-print"></i> | | Print any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at any Phoenix Public Library location. | <div class="ExternalClassCC063B6EB47D44CE9DADE7921674D318"><p></p><div><table class="ms-formtable " cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" class="ms-formbody " width="350px"><h2>Print from anywhere!<br></h2>Print any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at any <a href="/locations">Phoenix Public Library location</a>.<br><p>Print any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at one of the library locations below.</p><p>The Library offers both black-and-white or color printing and photocopying. Charges are as follows:</p><ul><li><strong>Black & white</strong> - 20¢ per page (10¢ per page at <a href="/locations/smcl">South Mountain Community Library</a>)</li><li><strong style="color:#ff0000;">C<span style="color:#ffa500;">o</span><span style="color:#008000;">l</span><span style="color:#0000ff;">o</span><span style="color:#800080;">r</span></strong> - 40¢ per page (50¢ per page at <a href="/locations/smcl">South Mountain Community Library</a>)</li></ul><p>Print or copy jobs may be paid for with cash only and may be paid with $1 and $5 bills as well as coins. Prices vary due to contractual agreements with the leasing agencies involved.<br></p><h3>Send a print job<br></h3><p>Before visiting the library, access the link below, and follow the instructions provided. Allow for at least 30 minutes for your print job to be available for pick-up.<br><br></p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Burton Barr Central Library</a></strong><br>1221 N. Central Ave., 85008</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Acacia Library</a></strong><br>750 E. Townley Ave., 85020</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Agave Library</a></strong><br>23550 N. 36th Ave, 85310</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Century Library</a></strong><br>1750 E. Highland Ave., 85016</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Cesar Chavez Library</a></strong><br>3635 W. Baseline, Rd. 85339</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Cholla Library</a></strong><br>10050 Metro Parkway E., 85051</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Desert Broom Library</a></strong><br>29710 N. Cave Creek Rd, 85331</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Desert Sage Library</a></strong><br>7602 W. Encanto Blvd., 85035</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Harmon Library</a></strong><br>1325 S. 5th Ave., 85003</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ironwood Library</a></strong><br>4333 E. Chandler Blvd, 85048</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Juniper Library</a></strong><br>1825 W. Union Hills Dr., 85027</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Mesquite Library</a></strong><br>4525 E. Paradise Village Parkway N., 85032</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ocotillo Library & Workforce Literacy Center</a></strong><br>102 W. Southern Ave., 85041</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Palo Verde Library</a></strong><br>4402 N. 51st Ave.</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Saguaro Library</a></strong><br>2808 N. 46th St., 85008</p><p><strong></strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank">South Mountain Community Library</a></strong><br>7050 S. 24th St.,85042</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Yucca Library</a></strong><br>5648 N. 15th Ave., 85015<br></p></td></tr></tbody></table><br></div><div><br></div></div> | mobile-printing | |
Privacy Statement | Privacy Statement | | | | <div class="ExternalClass64A342655EF14C0EA5B127DF246B5EF5"><p>Phoenix Public Library safeguards personally identifiable information. Such information is only disclosed when required by law or for collection of outstanding fees. Phoenix Public Library collects and uses customers' personal information to operate Library websites and deliver requested services. The following guidelines provide information about the types of information collected, how the information is used and when it is disclosed.</p><h2>Guidelines</h2><h3>Collection of Personal Information</h3><ol><li>Statistical Information: Phoenix Public Library collects information to maintain the quality of its services and to report aggregate information on the usage of its website to City management, as well as state and federal agencies and national library organizations. Such information can include IP address, browser type, domain names, access times, and referring website addresses.</li><li>Personally-identifiable Information: Phoenix Public Library may collect personally-identifiable information, such as customer e-mail addresses, names, home or work addresses or telephone numbers. Information collected through one of Phoenix Public Library's websites may be utilized by the Library to provide services through any of its websites.</li><li>The Library assumes no responsibility if a customer directly discloses personally-identifiable information or personally-sensitive data through other websites, chat rooms, online communities or other public online forums, resulting in this information being collected and used by others.</li></ol><h3>Use of Personal Information</h3><p>Phoenix Public Library websites collect and use customer personal information to operate Phoenix Public Library websites and deliver requested services. Phoenix Public Library does not sell, rent, lease or otherwise provide its customer lists or customer-controlled information to third parties.</p><p>As a matter of business practice, when customer overdue fees reach a total of $75 or more, customer account information is forwarded electronically to a collection agency.</p><p>Customer information may be subject to disclosure under Arizona Public Records Law except to the extent it is privileged or confidential.</p><h3>Control of Personal Information</h3><p>Certain Library services require the use of a library card number and customer or user name in order to access the service. At any time while accessing any of the Phoenix Public Library's websites, customers may decline participation in any activity that requests information (such as surveys or emails).</p><h3>Collection of Information on Use of Library Computers (PCs)</h3><p>The information collected on usage of public computers at Phoenix Public Library is limited to reservations. The Library's PC Reservation System retains information on the customer's library card barcode, computer reserved and the date and time of every public computer session for up to 60 days. Records are accessible to law enforcement agencies with a court order.<br></p></div> | privacy-statement | |