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Computers & InternetComputers & Internet<div class="ExternalClassDA9EEB2963ED45F2A56AD6B53CB1ECF0"><p>Learn about available computers and Internet services at Phoenix Public Library.<br></p><p>Phoenix Public Library offers free public access to the Internet for educational and informational purposes. The Library has no control over information available through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.<br></p><p>You will need a valid library card in order to use an Internet-accessible computer in the Children's, Teen or main areas of the library. You will also need a valid library card in order to use an Express PC.</p><p>You do not need a library card to use a Catalog PC.​<br><br></p><h2>Using a Public Computer</h2><p><em>You will need a library account password to use public Internet computers and self-check machines at the Library.</em></p><p>Phoenix Public Library computers are located in public areas shared by people of all ages and backgrounds. Library customers must be considerate and respectful of one another, and especially mindful of children in the area, particularly when accessing information or images others may find offensive.</p><p>In order to use an Internet-accessible computer, customers must accept the terms described in the Library's "Computer and Internet Use Agreement." Failure to comply with this agreement may result in the loss of Library privileges, up to and including permanent trespass from all Library locations.</p><p>The Library uses filtering technology on all computers with Internet access. If a customer wishes to access a site that is blocked, the customer may request Library staff to unblock the site. If a customer believes that a site has been blocked incorrectly, the customer may request a reclassification of the website​.​​</p><p>Library customer information is kept confidential in compliance with <a href="/documents/E-Privacy.pdf" target="_blank">Phoenix Public Library's E-Privacy Policy​</a> and Arizona law.<br><br></p><h2>Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)</h2><p>The Library complies with the federal Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and uses filtering software to screen out sites which may reasonably be construed as obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors.  Filtering software may not block all material customers might find offensive.</p><p>Parents and legal guardians are responsible for their child's exposure to and use of the Internet and are encouraged to supervise their children's Internet sessions. Parents and children are also encouraged to seek guidance from Library staff or visit (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), for site recommendations.​​<br></p><h2>Wireless Access</h2><p>Free Wireless Internet is available for your laptop, PDA or other wireless device. Hot spots are currently available at all Phoenix Public Library locations.</p><p>Users must have an 802.11 b/g wireless network interface card installed and configured in their laptop, PDA or other wireless device in order to access the wireless public Internet.</p><p>The free service is provided as a convenience. <strong>You use is at your own risk.</strong> Wireless transmissions may present a data security risk, and we advise against using the wireless public Internet to conduct personal or business transactions, such as banking, where sensitive account information and other personal data could be compromised.</p><p>When using the wireless public Internet, <strong>you will need to provide your own power source</strong>. Electrical outlets are limited.</p><p>If you have trouble accessing the wireless public Internet because of configuration issues or technical problems with your wireless device, please see the troubleshooting tips or contact your device's technical team support for assistance. <strong>City employees are not allowed to provide computer assistance for personal equipment.</strong></p><h3>How to Connect to the Wireless Internet:</h3><p>NOTE: You must complete steps two through four even if using a VPN.</p><ol><li>Turn on laptop or Internet-ready device.</li><li>Make sure your laptop wireless capability is enabled. On some PCs, you may have to enable the connection first.</li><li>Launch the Web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari).</li><li>The wireless public Internet welcome page will appear on the screen.</li><li>Read the terms and conditions on this page and then click the "Accept" button. You must accepts the terms and conditions in order to access the wireless public Internet.<br></li></ol></div>

















Digital LearnDigital Learn<i class="fa-solid fa-keyboard"></i> Window
Mobile Printing Mobile Printing <i class="fad fa-print"></i> any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at any Phoenix Public Library location.<div class="ExternalClassCC063B6EB47D44CE9DADE7921674D318"><p></p><div><table class="ms-formtable " cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" class="ms-formbody " width="350px"><h2>Print from anywhere!​<br></h2>Print any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at any <a href="/locations">Phoenix Public Library location​</a>.<br><p>Print any document or web page virtually from your Internet-connected device to a printer at one of the library locations below.</p><p>The Library offers both black-and-white or color printing and photocopying. C​harges are as follows:</p><ul><li><strong>Black & ​white</strong> - 20¢ per page (10¢ per page at <a href="/locations/smcl">South Mountain Community Library</a>)</li><li><strong style="color:#ff0000;">C<span style="color:#ffa500;">o</span><span style="color:#008000;">l</span><span style="color:#0000ff;">o</span><span style="color:#800080;">r</span></strong> - 40¢ per page (50¢​ per page at <a href="/locations/smcl">South Mountain Community Library</a>)</li></ul><p>Print or copy jobs may be paid for with cash only and may be paid with $1 and $5 bills as well as coins. Prices vary due to contractual agreements with the leasing agencies involved.<br></p><h3>​​Send a print job​<br></h3><p>Before visiting the library, access the link below, and follow the instructions provided. Allow for at least 30 minutes for your print job to be available for pick-up.​<br><br></p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Burton Barr Central Library</a></strong><br>1221 N. Central Ave., 85008</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Acacia Li​brary</a></strong><br>750 E. Townley Ave., 85020</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Agave Library</a></strong><br>23550 N. 36th Ave, 85310</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Century Library</a></strong><br>1750 E. Highland Ave., 85016</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Cesar Chavez Library</a></strong><br>3635 W. Baseline, Rd. 85339</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Cholla Library</a></strong><br>10050 Metro Parkway E., 85051</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Desert Broom Library</a></strong><br>29710 N. Cave Creek Rd, 85331</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Desert Sage Library</a></strong><br>7602 W. Encanto Blvd., 85035</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Harmon Library</a></strong><br>1325 S. 5th Ave., 85003</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ironwood Library</a></strong><br>4333 E. Chandler Blvd, 85048</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Juniper Library</a></strong><br>1825 W. Union Hills Dr., 85027</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Mesquite Library</a></strong><br>4525 E. Paradise Village Parkway N., 85032</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ocotillo Library & Workforce Literacy Center</a></strong><br>102 W. Southern Ave., 85041</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Palo Verde Library</a></strong><br>4402 N. 51st Ave.</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Saguaro Library</a></strong><br>2808 N. 46th St., 85008</p><p><strong>​</strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank">South Mountain Community Library</a></strong><br>7050 S. 24th St.,85042</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Yucca Library​</a></strong><br>5648 N. 15th Ave., 85015​​<br></p></td></tr></tbody></table><br></div><div><br></div></div>















​Does Phoenix Public Library offer free Wi-Fi?​Does Phoenix Public Library offer free Wi-Fi?136<div class="ExternalClassEC981D85A8524B59B70B5C3DD79D7F64"><p>​Does Phoenix Public Library offer free Wi-Fi?​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassC1DDD2FD43A648A19E349F7CA4A0995C"><p>Yes! ​Free, public Wi-Fi is available from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. outdoors at multiple municipal locations, including 16 Phoenix Public Library locations. Learn more at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br></p></div>