E-Privacy | E-Privacy | <i class="fa-solid fa-lock"></i> | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/about/policies/eprivacy | Phoenix Public Library safeguards personally identifiable information. | <div class="ExternalClassAB822FD13870487E8FE74EEB0E41DE5F"><h2>Policy
</h2><p>Phoenix Public Library safeguards personally identifiable information. Such information
is only disclosed when required by law or for collection of outstanding fees. Phoenix
Public Library collects and uses customers’ personal information to operate Library
websites and deliver requested services. The following guidelines provide information
about the types of information collected, how the information is used and when it is
disclosed. </p><h2>Guidelines
</h2><h3>Collection of Personal Information
</h3><ol><li>Statistical Information: Phoenix Public Library collects information to maintain
the quality of its services and to report aggregate information on the usage of
its website to City management, as well as state and federal agencies and
national library organizations. Such information can include IP address,
browser type, domain names, access times, and referring website addresses. </li><li>Personally-identifiable Information: Phoenix Public Library may collect
personally-identifiable information, such as customer e-mail addresses,
names, home or work addresses or telephone numbers. Information
collected through one of Phoenix Public Library’s websites may be utilized by
the Library to provide services through any of its websites.</li><li>The Library assumes no responsibility if a customer directly discloses
personally-identifiable information or personally-sensitive data through other
websites, chat rooms, online communities or other public online forums,
resulting in this information being collected and used by others.</li></ol><h3>Use of Personal Information </h3><p><br>Phoenix Public Library websites collect and use customer personal information to
operate Phoenix Public Library websites and deliver requested services. Phoenix
Public Library does not sell, rent, lease, or otherwise provide its customer lists or
customer-controlled information to third parties. </p><p>
As a matter of business practice, when customer overdue fees reach a total of $75 or
more, customers account information is forwarded electronically to a collection agency. </p><p>Customer information may be subject to disclosure under Arizona Public Records Law
except to the extent it is privileged or confidential. </p><h3>Control of Personal Information <br><br></h3><p>Certain Library services require the use of a library card number and customer or user
name in order to access the service. At any time while accessing any of the Phoenix
Public Library’s websites, customers may decline participation in any activity that
requests information (such as surveys or emails). </p><h3>Collection of Information on Use of Library Computers (PCs) <br><br></h3><p>The information collected on usage of public computers at Phoenix Public Library is
limited to reservations. The Library’s PC Reservation System retains information on the
customer’s library card barcode, computer reserved and the date and time of every
public computer session for up to 24 hours. Records are accessible to law enforcement
agencies with a court order. <br></p><p><em>Approved by Library Advisory Board June 16, 2010</em><br></p><div><br></div></div> | | | |
Privacy of Library Users | Privacy of Library Users | <i class="fa-solid fa-lock"></i> | https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/about/policies/privacy-of-library-users | Phoenix Public Library will adhere to the provisions of Arizona law regarding the privacy of library users and will comply with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations outlining the release of other information. | <div class="ExternalClassE93AEC3840EF45D8AEC1EEDAEE9AC9B1"><h2>Policy Statement </h2><p>Phoenix Public Library will adhere to the provisions of Arizona law regarding the privacy of library
users and will comply with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations outlining the release of other
information. </p><h2>Scope</h2><p>The Privacy of Library Users Policy applies to all Phoenix Public Library business operations,
customer records and surveillance video. </p><h2>Regulations<br></h2><h3>Release of Customer Information </h3><p>A. In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 41-151.22, Phoenix Public Library shall
not disclose “any record or other information which identifies a user of library services as
requesting or obtaining specific materials or otherwise using the library,” except that a library
administrator may authorize the release of information under one of the following conditions: </p><ol><li>The user in question has given written permission.</li><li>Phoenix Public Library is presented with a court order to release the information, or is
required to testify in a court of law.</li><li>Phoenix Public Library is required by law to disclose the information. </li><li>The information is necessary for reasonable operation of Phoenix Public Library. (For
example, the information is necessary for preparation and distribution of overdue notices.) <br></li></ol><p></p><p>B. Staff members will notify the appropriate Library administrator immediately of any attempt to
obtain user information protected under A.R.S. 41-151.22. </p><h3>Phoenix Public Library – Public Spaces</h3><p>
Phoenix Public Library locations are public places. In general, visitors to our library properties are
considered in a public space and have little expectation of privacy in regard to being
photographed or filmed. However, Arizona Revised Statute 41-151.22 “Privacy of User Records”
mandates that public libraries are obligated to “…not allow disclosure of any record or other
information, including e-books, that identifies a user of library services as requesting or obtaining
specific materials or services or as otherwise using the library.” Phoenix Public Library is careful
to ensure that no photography or filming can occur in such a way that identifies an individual and
associates them with specific library materials, services or as otherwise using the library. <br></p><h3><span style="font-size:1.15em;">Release of Other Library Information </span></h3><p>A. Phoenix Public Library retains and manages official records in accordance with: </p><ul><li><a href="https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/41/00151-14.htm" target="_blank">Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 41-151.14 – State and local public records management</a> </li><li><a href="https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/41/00151-22.htm">Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 41-151.22 – Privacy of user records</a> </li><li>Applicable City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations
PRIVACY OF LIBRARY USERS<br></li></ul><p>B. For security purposes, library surveillance video footage is restricted and generally not
available for dissemination to the general public. </p><p>C. Any requests from the public for copies of official records, or any requests for other
information from staff or Phoenix Public Library files/records, will be forwarded to the
appropriate Phoenix Public Library Administrator for disposition and/or review with the
City’s Law Department.<br><br></p><p><em>Approved by the Library Advisory Board on April 20, 2022</em><br></p><br></div> | | | |